News Feed

Networking at Holiday Parties

The holidays are here! My favorite time of the year and also a great time when parties are going to take place. What you will find as a business owner, corporate employee or an active member of the community is that you are always going to be invited somewhere. You can use these invitations to […]

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UCLA Gets Hacked

800,000 current and former students, staff and faculty members had their names and personal information such as names, social security numbers, birth dates, and personal addresses exposed after a hacker broke into the campus computer system Tuesday morning. It’s one of if not the largest breach on an American higher education institution. There have been […]

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A Diamond in the Rough, part I

Location, Location, Location!!! Isn’t that what you always hear when you are in the market to buy a house? Well, that’s what I heard when I was 24. I heard it from my parents, brothers, real estate agent and even my home mortgage broker, but did I listen, oooooh no! I want to share my […]

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Interview Etiquette To Land The Job

Etiquette is a very important part of your successful interview. It is true that good knowledge in subject matter, interpersonal skills and past experience will count most at a job interview, but you can’t ignore the interview etiquette, for they are the indications of your character. Interview etiquette is all about being well mannered and […]

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Google Answers Your Text Messages

Who doesn’t love Google? They have grown at an astonishing pace and have developed technology that has enriched our lives by bringing millions of pieces of information to our fingertips. Besides adding Google Mobile features which have helped me several times recently, they now answer our text messages! Does it get any better than that? […]

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Resume Basics

Since we have been receiving a few resumes each day I have noticed some common trends. I’ve seen fonts of all sizes, margin inconsistencies, age and place of birth on a few. These are all major no-no’s when writing your resumes. Follow these basic steps and you’ll be off to a good start: No grammatical […]

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5 New Resume Requests Per Day

Jane and my inbox are getting about 5 new resume requests per day. This is a success we did not expect so soon. Our goal 2.5 weeks ago when we began this site was to help motivated, proactive professionals get the resources they need to further their careers and themselves professionally. The pleasant surprise is […]

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Analyzing Your Potential Employer

You are starting the job search. You send in your application packets with your resume and coverletter in each packet. Now the real work begins… Organization is the Key to Success- Start researching weeks before your interview. If you’re interviewing with multiple employers, keep a file for each one so that you store the information […]

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