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Resume Basics

Since we have been receiving a few resumes each day I have noticed some common trends. I’ve seen fonts of all sizes, margin inconsistencies, age and place of birth on a few. These are all major no-no’s when writing your resumes. Follow these basic steps and you’ll be off to a good start: No grammatical […]

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5 New Resume Requests Per Day

Jane and my inbox are getting about 5 new resume requests per day. This is a success we did not expect so soon. Our goal 2.5 weeks ago when we began this site was to help motivated, proactive professionals get the resources they need to further their careers and themselves professionally. The pleasant surprise is […]

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Analyzing Your Potential Employer

You are starting the job search. You send in your application packets with your resume and coverletter in each packet. Now the real work begins… Organization is the Key to Success- Start researching weeks before your interview. If you’re interviewing with multiple employers, keep a file for each one so that you store the information […]

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The Art of Negotiating, part II

These are suggestions to help you prepare for successful negotiating… Research– Get as much factual information you can to make your case strong. Find comparible salary ranges for positions similar to yours or positions that have similar responsibilities. What are they getting paid? Also look into their health plan, dental plan, retirement package and your […]

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Do This

Help fight aids by taking 10 seconds to “light” a candle on this website. Then tell your friends. For every candle lit, Bristol-Myers Squibb will donate $1 up to $100,000 to the National AIDS fund. (Thanks Sepi.)

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Our First Resume Request

A couple of days ago we were asked for our first resume review. This is good news considering we have only been running this site for about 3 days when we received the request. Although we have not officially launched our resume and cover letter “extreme makeovers”, we are more than happy to help where […]

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The Art of Negotiating, part I

You have the offer…now what? Negotiating is an art, an art that can be uncomfortable, unsatisfying, and down right scary if you don’t have experience doing it. It’s scary because you don’t want to come off pushy, but at the same time, you don’t want to get low balled. What you are looking for is […]

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Treo vs Blackberry

Should you get a Treo or a Blackberry phone? The answer could not be simpler – the BLACKBERRY! I used to be the biggest proponent of Palm Treo phones and told everyone I knew to get one. I loved my Treo 650 so I decided to upgrade to the Treo 700p. Why not right? Well […]

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