The Art of Negotiating, part II

18 years ago

These are suggestions to help you prepare for successful negotiating… Research- Get as much factual information you can to make…

Do This

18 years ago

Help fight aids by taking 10 seconds to “light” a candle on this website. Then tell your friends. For every…

Our First Resume Request

18 years ago

A couple of days ago we were asked for our first resume review. This is good news considering we have…

The Art of Negotiating, part I

18 years ago

You have the offer…now what? Negotiating is an art, an art that can be uncomfortable, unsatisfying, and down right scary…

Treo vs Blackberry

18 years ago

Should you get a Treo or a Blackberry phone? The answer could not be simpler - the BLACKBERRY! I used…

MySpace Enters Job Search Arena

18 years ago

Myspace has entered into the job search arena. They have partnered with Simply Hired in this venture. Simply Hired has…

Market Research: Look Into The Company First, part II

18 years ago

FIRST STEPS- I recommend that you begin your market research efforts with these initial steps: Review the Rankings- Find out…

Market Research: Look Into The Company First, part I

18 years ago

Large consumer-products companies wouldn’t think about introducing a new product to a market without first doing extensive research about customer’s…

Get Your Resumes Out

18 years ago

Although some of you have probably been shopping Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it’s also a good time to start…

Rich Dad Says…Welcome

18 years ago

Thank you for visiting Rich Dad Says…We’re currently spending our well earned time in Costa Rica. So, sit tight and…