A Diamond in the Rough, Part II

18 years ago

Many of you have read A Diamond in the Rough, Part I, where I begin talkng about my experience in…

Rich Dad Says In 2007

18 years ago

The goal of Rich Dad Says is to be a resource for young professionals to land a job, advance in…

2007 New Years Resolutions

18 years ago

Was 2006 everything you had hoped for? Were you able to stick to all your new years resolutions in 2006?…

Entrepreneurialism At It’s Finest

18 years ago

John Chow has made a very good, entrepreneurial living from his main web site The Tech Zone for some time…

Land A Job With Mitsubishi Motors North America

18 years ago

Recently, I met with a top official at Mitsubishi Motors North America for a Q & A session on the…

Microsoft Office 2007 Demo Video

18 years ago

See the new streamlined Microsoft Office user interface in action. This video gives you a detailed look at how this…

Proofread Your Resume

18 years ago

Would you read your morning newspaper if it was full of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes? Obviously not. When we…

Second Life: Virtual World Destroys Your PC

18 years ago

Recently, Second Life was referred to me by one of my graduating seniors at a local California State University. For…

The Business Education Connection

18 years ago

I attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting today at 7am. The highlight of this meeting was to showcase the possible…

Speaking Capital is an Asset

18 years ago

At some point in your career, speaking well could be the single most important factor that determines your success. You…