If you are a student preparing for graduation, you might have been proactive and squared away a job for the summer. As you enter your new career you will begin to recognize that your first year is a transition stage, where you are no longer a student, but you are not quite a professional yet, either. All new professionals, regardless of their prior academic standing, will experience this transition. No matter how much success you may have had academically, it doesn’t automatically apply to your career.
Luckily, you start your career with a clean slate. With this comes independence, as well as a myriad of critical decisions (should you go with the pink or the purple drapes?) and life changing experiences. The decisions that you make, and the resulting events, will have a major impact on your career.
Some things to keep in mind during your first year:
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Ugggh. I won’t start with my shenanegans about how you should hook up with your hot boss and keep her satisfied in the copy machine room etc. Or on her desk afterhours, whichever she’s into more.
Just be sure to make it blatantly clear it’s just an office fling and you won’t marry her or anything like that.
Jeff, better to go at it with the hot boss and the hot manager at the same time. You don’t want to get stuck in a routine where you’re only keeping the boss satisfied.
great tips! i started my first job about 8 months ago at an internet company and these tips are absolutely correct!
Yeah I have been through a couple of jobs recently and have to agree with all the above, very good advice
Excellent tips Jane.
Being among the fruitfully un-employed, I can’t comment on the “on the job” part of the advice, but I must say your bullet points are a great selection of ideas.
Only I would re-title this to “Tips For a Successful LIFE”!
Really, can anyone be truly successful at any stage of any life or career while completely ignoring even one of those points? Probably not, or at least not for long. Which is why I said that you’ve hit upon a great list of points. They’re deceptively “simple” yet cover everything.
And volunteer for tasks that are outside your normal role. Don’t pigeonhole yourself. It is the worst thing you can do - getting the reputation that you only do a..b..c and nothing else.
LOL…You’re speaking of ‘the’ OFFLINE world, where you have to deal with people–which in my opinion, is one of the coolest thing about offline J.O.B. I can do all those above, but staying ‘active’ and healthy is quite challenging, since I’m now online most of the time.
By the way Jane, care to leak the ‘template name’ of this site so I can clone it for my other site =?
I use to be an employee, but now I decided to have my own business. My tips :
-Read books about self development.
-Be initiative
my suggestion would be to show initiative to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves . . . . i got a mgmt position for a project after working at a Big 4 in less than 3 weeks on the job because of this . . . don’t be afraid to take chances because the worst thing that can happen to you as a first year is that they say “no”
Great tips! I wish I had them when I just started out.
I have some tips too since I am not so “new” now.
Do not be afraid to take on more than you are supposed to do. You will learn more than others and bosses are looking for people with initiative. You will be rewared much more later by your bosses.
Even when you get a new job, your work experience will be much broder.
Try to be nice to everyone first. Being new to the company, you do not know who is in charge. Do not offend anyone and keep good relationship with everyone till you find out more.
Read this great report by Bob Proctor about attraction accelerator. You can attract the job that you want. Believe it and do it.
Cheng Cheng
# Keep track of your money. I lost sight of that one and am paying for it now. Literally.