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The Secret of Success

When you read this post title, what came to mind? Something new, innovative and creative that will solve every business persons, entrepreneurs or students troubles? Well, in a way it can! But it’s not something new, innovative or creative, although not many people are willing to do this. The secret of success is hard work. […]

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Be Cautious With Student Loan Debt

Student loans are beginning to be more and more of a business for companies. The low interest rates (although they aren’t as low as they were 3 years ago) and the accessibility of the loans have made them a lucrative option for students. Many students see these loans as a better option than credit cards, […]

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New Name, New Design – Welcome!

As you can see we have re-branded our site with the name Career Ramblings [dot] com and have re-designed some of the look. We appreciate all the comments and support we received over the weekend while we were switching servers and getting our material carried over. Our plans are to continue updating this site with […]

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Business Etiquette: Earn Straight A’s

APPEARANCE Think about how you want to be perceived. Everything you wear says something. Depending on the situation, what you wear and how you look will vary. Consider the following: Dress appropriately for every occasion. You wouldn’t wear shorts to a formal dinner as you wouldn’t wear a suit to the company beach party. Daily […]

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