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Climbing Technorati

A Technorati Ranking is becoming a must-have for all blogs and sites that feature user generated content.? Technorati ranks these sites by the number of links and blogs that link to your particular site.?Although?Google has been using this criteria as part of it’s search engine rank formula for some time now, Technorati is still the […]

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Weekend Quotes

Let’s get this 3 day weekend started right.. at least for me it’s a 3 day weekend! Tom Landry on Setting Examples: “Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control.” Albert Szent-Gyorgi on Innovation: “Discovery consists of looking at […]

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Dating Your Boss

Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Given that today is that special day for all couples and this is a site about careers, I thought what better to write about than dating on the job? Just as I was going to write, I found a site that has already covered this topic thoroughly. I have included […]

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The Informational Interview, part II

A few days back I wrote the Informational Interview, part I. There, I addressed what the informational interview was, the benefits of conducting one (hopefully more), what it allows you to do, and gave you some topics to discuss. Since this is such an important part in any professional career, I will talk about what […]

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Movers and Shakers – Q&A with Matt Coddington

If you keep moving and keep learning you will succeed. Lethargy kills the majority of online and offline businesses. -Matt Coddington I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a young, up and coming entrepreneur – Matt Coddington, creator of I first came across his writing several months ago via his personal blog and […]

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Political Math – “Billions?”

With all the excess dollars being spent by George W. Bush, I found some of these figures interesting and scary (from an email I recently received from a friend): Political Math The next time you hear a politician use the word “billion” in a casual manner, think about whether you want the “politicians” spending your […]

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The Informational Interview, part I

One of the best ways to find out what an industry, company, or position is really like is to talk with people in careers you’re considering. No one else can give you a better sense of the real life experiences, the challenges and opportunities, the specifics and perhaps hidden demands, and the drawbacks and limitations […]

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Taxable Vs Tax-Deferred Growth

Before I get into taxable versus tax-deferred growth of your capital, I’d like to point out a blog I stumbled upon called The Corner Office which provides a great resource to prep for your visit to the tax man.? Here is the pdf you should review before seeing your accountant as it can help save […]

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Weekend Quotes

Weekend Quotes?is a new weekly feature we have on Career Ramblings.? We will feature mostly inspirational, business and educational quotes to give you that boost of motivation we all sometimes need. Warren Buffet on Wealth:? “A very rich person should leave his kids enough to do anything but not enought to do nothing.” Jack Welch […]

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