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Banner Contest Winner

? The final results are in?and we have a clear winner – our current banner won with 40% of the total votes.? This came as a bit of a surprise to us as we were hoping to see a new banner take over the reigns but we are still pleased with the look of our […]

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Banner Contest – Vote On It!

*(Brief update at end of post.) Our banner contest ended last night and we received a good turn out.? We have 6 entries with one of the banners being a flash design.? Below are smaller versions of the banners, so please review them (including our current banner on top) and place your vote on the […]

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Job Search Secrets

As we get closer and closer to spring and the start of summer, more and more people are beginning to look for jobs.? I’ll be writing a later post talking about my recent interviewing experience and the disasters that occurred with it.? For the mean time, here are key things you should keep in mind […]

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Banner Contest: Deadline Tomorrow!

We are counting down the hour before all submissions are due for the Career Ramblings banner design contest?(see link for contest details).? Last week, we decided it was time to announce our first contest.? What better way to get our community involved, show some creativity, and provide an opportunity to give our visitors some exposure?highlighting […]

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Weekend Quotes

The weekend is almost here which means we need some inspirational quotes. Part of the reason we post quotes is to get our readers motivated to?put in some hard work and effort?and do the things they have thought about doing for years but have yet to act on. John Chow has a great post titled […]

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Finding Opportunities

Jane and I had an interesting discussion yesterday about finding opportunities and why some people have a nack for them and others don’t.? I think it comes down to thinking outside-the-box and persistence.? A great example of finding opportunities where none seem to exist can be found in a recent post by entrepreneur Tyler Cruz.? […]

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Banner Contest Reminder

As we are winding down our Fridays and heading into the weekend, be sure to check out our Banner Contest rules and submit your entries to us by Monday, February 26.? We’ve received good feedback and interest so far; and we are looking forward to displaying all entries for our readers to judge!? Remember the […]

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First Contest: Banner Design

We have decided to finally host our first contest.? Many blogs hold contests for many reasons.? Some of these reasons include increasing blog participation from its visitors, while others use it as a marketing scheme to attract more visitors.? While there is nothing wrong with these reasons, we are looking to do something a little […]

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