Hi, I would like to introduce myself. I am Eric, the new owner of www.CareerRamblings.com. I run several hundred websites such as Bored.com , CheapFlowers.com , and Dumb.com . I also own 10,000 domain names such as FindJobs.com, BuyWine.com, MtEverest.com, and ComedyClub.com.
I started on the Internet back in 1995 creating web sites for other people, while at the same time I was buying up domains and starting some web sites of my own. Eventually I stopped doing sites for other people and just focused on developing sites on all the domains I was buying. Many of the domains, such as Bored.com, were ones I was able to buy because the previous owner did not pay the bill and Network Solutions reclaimed them and made them available again to the public. Back then there was no automated software to find these type of names, so I used to manually look for good domains that were no longer working and write them down on a list. Each morning around 4am-5am Eastern time I would get up and check this list to see if any became available, because that was the time each day Network Solutions released new domains, and if I did not do it early other people would grab the good names.
Back in the early 2000’s I opened a bunch of ecommerce sites selling vitamins, candy, cookies, and pretty much anything else I could get companies to dropship for me. But, it was a huge headache dealing with upset customers, shipping problems, credit card fraud, shopping cart problems, and supplier problems so I eventually closed them even though they were making money, and instead focused on creating more free entertainment type sites like Bored.com (Bored.com gets over 2 million visitors per month). The only ecommerce site I kept open was CheapFlowers.com, because I put a lot more work into setting that business up and it makes good money.
Now in 2007 I do pretty much the same thing I did when I started 12 years ago, which is that I do anything online that I think will make money. The great thing about the Internet is that I can think of a new business idea today, and by tomorrow have a rough version of it up and running and actually see how well it does. No business plans, no meetings, no projects, no budgets, no delays.
Don’t worry, I do not plan on changing www.CareerRamblings.com to be my personal blog. It will have the same exact type of career and business postings it always does. But, every once in a while I will add some additional postings with personal stories about various business ventures I have been involved in, or info on new ways I find to make money online. Some possible future topics for these “personal” postings include:
– Eric
The Pride Dog Food is essential for keeping Border Collies at peak performance, enabling them…
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Bill VanDresser has long been a figure in the winter sports community, and his insights…
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The ability to order your favorite bottle of wine, craft beer, or premium spirit online…
View Comments
Hi Eric, pleased to meet you You certainly have a colorful history, I’m sure you will bring a sense of new inspiration to the site! Good luck
There is only one question I have though,will you still be maintaining the reviews in exchange for a link to your site as I have completed mine and was waiting for a reply from John Or Jane?
All the best
Yes, the review link exchange will still be the same. Every week or two I will add a new blog posting linking to all the blogs that posted reviews of http://www.CareerRamblings.com . If you post a review of us, make sure to make a comment at http://www.careerramblings.com/2007/05/03/review-career-ramblings-for-a-backlink/ listing where your review can be found. That is where I get the links to add to my postings.
- Eric
Looking forward to hearing more Eric. I am certainly interested to know if you do have a personal blog in which someone could follow along. I find myself in some of the same situations today.
No, this is the only blog I have.
- Eric
Can’t wait to learn from you. It seems that you have a lot of experience, and I’m sure there are a lot of people eager to learn.
Congratulations on the acquisition. I look forward to hearing your additional personal business stories.
I look forward to your input here, especially your personal insight and stories. When I read blogs about making money and business ventures, I feel like I learn the most from reading about real life experiences, both the good and the bad.
You seem to fit quite perfectly as the new owner. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Good luck.
I’m really tired of seeing the Top 10 Resume Blunders on every “career” blog - so I’m looking forward to seeing some fresh perspective. Good luck!
I cant wait to hear those stories. Especially the one about how you have 10 employees but have yet to talk to them over the phone. Do you use a particular outsourcing company? Thanks a lot.
No, I don’t use an outsourcing company, although I do use http://assistanz.com for 24/7 help desk and server support. They are in India and do a great job for me. But, they don’t do programming for me or run my sites. Over the years I have found various people for that, some overseas (Romania, India, UK). Usually they start by doing a small project for me, and if that works out well I hire them full time.
- Eric
welcome eric . . . it’s gonna be hard to replace jane and john, but hopefully you keep up CRs rep . . . best of luck!
I’m looking forward to hearing about:
“How I created a plush toy and got it sold in Toys “R†Us. ”
Best of luck Eric! I know these readers will benefit from your experiences.